Professor Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller
Director of the Exertion Games Lab
School of Design
Ph: +61 3 9925 2594
Email: florian.mueller@rmit.edu.au
RMIT Staff Profile
RMIT Research Bank
Exertion Games Lab
Twitter: @exertiongames
Floyd’s research work was presented at the top conferences in the field of interaction design and computer games, including several best paper nominations. Floyd’s Exertion Games work has been shortlisted for the European Innovation Games Award (next to Nintendo’s Wii Fit), received honorary mentions from the Nokia Ubimedia Award, was commissioned by Wired’s Nextfest, exhibited worldwide and attracted substantial international research funding, including numerous grants from the US, the Australian, the UK and the German Government.
His team’s Exertion Games were played by over 20,000 players across 3 continents and were featured on the BBC, ABC, Discovery Science Channel and Wired magazine.
Human-Computer Interaction
Interaction Design
Ubiquitous Computing
Human-Player Interaction
Movement-Based Games
Whole-Body Interaction
Body-Centric Computing
Exertion Interface
Exertion Games
- Mueller, F., Pell, S.J. Technology meets Adventure: Learnings from an Earthquake-Interrupted Mt. Everest Expedition. Ubicomp’16. Full paper. ACM. 12 pages. Talk video.
- Mueller, F. Designing for the active human body in a digital-material world. Book chapter in: Sarah Pink, Elisenda Ardèvol and Lanzeni, D. (eds.) Digital Materialities – Design and Anthropology, Bloomsbury, 2016. 137-156
- Khot, R.A., Andres, J., Lai, J., Kaenel, J.v. and Mueller, F. Fantibles: Capturing Cricket Fan’s Story in 3D. DIS 2016. Long paper. 883-894
- Marshall, J., Dancu, A. and Mueller, F. Interaction in Motion: Designing Truly Mobile Interaction. DIS 2016. Long paper. 215-228
- Cheklin, M., Mueller, F. and Greuter, S. Designing Mediated Nurturing Play with Dogs to Alleviate Workplace Stress. DIS 2016 Conference Companion Publication. Work in progress. 153-156
- Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Clarke, J., Lee, G., Billinghurst, M., Bartneck, C. Digitally Augmenting Sports: An Opportunity for Exploring and Understanding Novel Balancing Techniques. CHI 2016. Long paper. 11 pages.
- Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4) 2015 journal article, presented at CHI 2016.
- Mueller, F., Marshall, J.,Khot, R.A., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Jogging at CHI. CHI 2016. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages
- Bernhaupt, R., Mueller, F. Game User Experience Evaluation. CHI 2016. Course. 4 pages
- Mueller, F., Garner, J., Pell, S.J., Raffe, W., Tamassia, M., Zamberta, F., Sargeant, B. Towards experiencing our bodies as digital play. CHI 2016. Submission to “Move to be Moved” Workshop.
- Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.
- Raffe, W., Zambetta, F., Tamassia, M., Mueller, F., Lee, Xiaodong, L. Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via Multiplayer Augmented Reality. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Pervasive Play” Workshop.
- Patibanda, R., Mueller, F., Leskovsek, M., Duckworth, J. BreathSenses: Towards Understanding Breathing Games. CHI 2016. Submission to the “Touch, Taste, & Smell User Interfaces: The Future of Multisensory HCI” Workshop.
- Marshall, J., Mueller, F., Benford, S., Pijnappel, S. Expanding exertion gaming, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, Volume 90, June 2016, Pages 1-13
- Byrne, R., Marshall, J., Mueller, F. Designing the Vertigo Experience: Vertigo as a Design Resource for Digital Bodily Play. TEI’16. Long paper. ACM. 296-303
- Mitchell, R., Fender, A. and Mueller, F. HandyFeet: Social Bodily Play Via Split Control of a Human Puppet’s Limbs. TEI’16. Work in Progress. ACM. 506-511
- Tan, C.T., Byrne, R., Lui, S., Liu, W. and Mueller, F. JoggAR: a mixed modality AR approach for technology-augmented jogging. SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications, ACM, 1-1.
- Lachner, F., von Saucken, C., Mueller, F., Lindemann, U. Cross-Cultural User Experience Design Helping Product Designers to Consider Cultural Differences. In: Rau, P.L.P. (ed.) Cross-Cultural Design Methods, Practice and Impact, Springer International Publishing. Part of HCI International 2015, 58-70.
- Hamalainen, P., Marshall, J., Kajastila, R., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Utilizing Gravity in Movement-Based Games and Play. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 67-77. Best Paper Nomination
- Raffe, W.L., Tamassia, M., Zambetta, F., Li, X., Pell, S.J. and Mueller, F. Player-Computer Interaction Features for Designing Digital Play Experiences across Six Degrees of Water Contact. CHI PLAY’15. ACM, 295-305
- Alavesa, P., Schmidt, J., Fedosov, A., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Air Tandem: A Collaborative Bodily Game Exploring Interpersonal Synchronization. CHI PLAY’15 Work in Progress. ACM, 433-438
- Andres, J., Lai, J.C. and Mueller, F. Guiding Young Players As Designers. CHI PLAY’15 Work in Progress. ACM, 445-450
- Mueller, F., Muirhead, M. Jogging with a quadcopter. CHI 2015. Long paper. 2023-2032
- Khot, R., Lee, J., Hjort, L., Aggarwal, D., Mueller, F. TastyBeats: Designing Palatable Representations of Physical Activity. CHI 2015. Long paper. 2933-2942. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION
- Jensen, M.M., Rasmussen, M.K., Gronbaek, K., Mueller, F. Keepin’ it Real: Challenges when Designing Sports-Training Games. CHI 2015. Long paper. 2003-2012
- Curmi, F., Whittle, J., Ferrario, M.A., Mueller, F. Crowdsourcing Synchronous Spectator Support: (go on, go on, you’re the best)n-1. CHI 2015. Long paper. 2003-2012
- Khot, R., Pennings, R., and Mueller, F. edEdiPulse: Supporting Physical Activity with Chocolate Printed Messages. CHI 2015. Work in Progress. 6 pages.
- Khot, R., Pennings, R., and Mueller, F. EdiPulse: Turning Physical Activity Into Chocolates. CHI 2015. Interactivity. 4 pages
- Mueller, F., Khot, R.A., Marshall, J., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. Understanding Sports-HCI by Going Jogging at CHI. CHI 2015. SIG Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages
- Nylander, S., Tholander, J., Mueller, F., Marshall, J. HCI and Sports. Interactions. Volume 22 Issue 2, March + April 2015. 30-31.
- Jensen, M.M., Rasmussen, M.K., Mueller, F., Gronbaek, K. Designing training games for soccer. Interactions. Volume 22 Issue 2, March + April 2015. 36-39.
- Khot, R., Lee, J., Hjorth, L. and Mueller, F. TastyBeats: Celebrating Heart Rate Data with a Drinkable Spectacle. TEI 2015. Long paper. 4 pages.
- Mueller, F., Altimira, D. and Khot, R.A. Reflections on the Design of Exertion Games. Games for Health Journal. Liebert, 4(1), p.3-7.
- Straker, L.M., Fenner, A.A., Howie, E.K., Feltz, D.L., Gray, C.M., Lu, A.S., Mueller, F., Simons, M. and Barnett, L.M. Efficient and Effective Change Principles in Active Videogames. Games for Health Journal. Liebert, 4(1), p43-52.
- Mueller, F., Muirhead, M. Understanding the Design of a Jogging Companion. 2014. UIST’14. Work-in-Progress. ACM, 81-82.
- Rowe-Roberts, D., Cercos, R. and Mueller, F. Preliminary results from a study of the impact of digital activity trackers on health risk status. Studies in health technology and informatics. Investing in E-Health: People, Knowledge and Technology for a Healthy Future. 204. (2014), 143-148.
- Isbister, K., Mueller, F. Guidelines for the Design of Movement-Based Games and Their Relevance to HCI. Human Computer Interaction 30(3-4), 2014, 366-399.
- Altimira, D., Mueller, F., Lee, G., Clarke, J., Billinghurst, M. Towards Understanding Balancing in Exertion Games. ACE 2014. Long paper. 8 pages.
- Goddard, W., Byrne, R. and Mueller, F. Playful Game Jams: Guidelines for Designed Outcomes. Interactive Entertainment 2014. Long paper. 10 pages.
- Byrne, R., Mueller, F. 2014. Designing Digital Climbing Experiences through Understanding Rock Climbing Motivation. Entertainment Computing – ICEC 2014, Springer. Long paper. 92-99.
- Finnegan, D.J., Velloso, E., Mitchell, R., Mueller, F., Byrne, R. Reindeer & Wolves: Exploring Sensory Deprivation in Multiplayer Digital Bodily Play. CHI PLAY 2014. Work-in-Progress. 411-412.
- Garner, J., Wood, G., Danilovic, S., Hammer, J., Mueller, F. intangle: Exploring Interpersonal Bodily Interactions through Sharing Controllers. CHI PLAY 2014. Work-in-Progress. 413-414.
- Jensen, M.M. and Mueller, F. Running with technology: Where are we heading? OzCHI 2014. Long paper. 527-530
- Mueller, F., Stellmach, S., Greenberg, S., Dippon, A., Boll, S., Garner, J., Khot, R., Naseem, A., Altimira, D. 2014. Proxemics Play: Understanding Proxemics for Designing Digital Play Experiences. DIS 2014. Long paper. 10 pages.
- Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R. and Vetere, F. 2014. Designing for Social and Physical Interaction in Exertion Games. Book chapter in: Nijholt, A. (ed.) Playful User Interfaces, Springer, 227-251.
- Garner, J., Wood, G., Pijnappel, S., Murer, M., Mueller, F. 2014. i-dentity: Innominate Movement Representation as Engaging Game Element. CHI 2014. Long paper. 10 pages.30 sec preview video. Video.
- Khot, R., Hjort, L., Mueller, F. 2014. Understanding Physical Activity through 3D Printed Material Artifacts. CHI 2014. Long paper. 10 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F., Edge, D. 2014. Supporting the Creative Game Design Process with Exertion Cards. CHI 2014. Long paper. 10 pages. 30 sec preview video.
- Mueller, F., Isbister, K. 2014. Movement-Based Game Guidelines. CHI 2014. Long paper. 10 pages. 30 sec preview video.
- Walmink, W., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2014. Interaction Opportunities Around Helmet Design. CHI 2014. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Garner, J., Wood, G., Pijnappel, S., Murer, M., Mueller, F. 2014. i-dentity: Innominate Representation as Engaging Movement Game Element. CHI 2014. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Khot, R., Lee, J., Munz, H., Aggarwal, D., Mueller, F. 2014. TastyBeats: Making Mocktails with Heart Beats. CHI 2014. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Sargeant, B., Mueller, F. 2014. How Far is UP? Encouraging Social Interaction Through Children’s Book App Design. CHI 2014. Interactivity. 4 pages. Video.
- Garner, J., Wood, G. 2014. i-dentity: Concealing Movement Representation Associations in Games. CHI 2014. Student Game Competition. 4 pages. FINALIST.
- Mueller, F., Marshall, J., Khot, R., Nylander, S., Tholander, J. 2014. Jogging with Technology: Interaction Design Supporting Sport Activities. Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages.
- Mentis, H., Höök, K., Mueller, F., Isbister, K., Khut, G.P., Robertson, T. 2014. Designing for the Experiential Body. CHI 2014. Panel. 5 pages. Video.
- Khot, R., Lee, J., Hjorth, L., Mueller, F. 2014. SweatAtoms: Understanding Physical Activity through Material Artifacts. CHI 2014. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Nylander, S., Tholander, J., Mueller, F., Marshall, J. 2014. HCI and Sports. CHI 2014. Workshop (organizing). 4 pages.
- Deen, M., Cercos, R., Chatham, A., Naseem, A., Fowler, A., Bernhaupt, R., Schouten, B., Mueller, F. 2014. CHI 2014 Game Jam [4Research]: Game Jams as a Research Tool. CHI 2014. Workshop (organizing). 4 pages.
- Khot, R., Hjorth, L., Aggarwal, D., Mueller, F. 2014. Supporting Autonomy in Physical Activity through Material Artifacts. CHI 2014. Workshop submission for Positive Computing workshop. 4 pages.
- Charbonneau, E., Buchanan, S., Bott, J., Mueller, F., LaViola, J. 2014. Dance Enhanced: Investigating How Earning Content Through Exertion Impacts Dance Game Enjoyment. Foundations of Digital Games (FDG) 2014. 8 pages.
- Walmink, W., Wilde, D., Mueller, F. 2014. Displaying Heart Rate Data on a Bicycle Helmet to Support Social Exertion Experiences. International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction: TEI 2014. 8 pages.
- Pijnappel, S., Mueller, F. 2014. Designing Interactive Technology for Skateboarding. International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction: TEI 2014. 8 pages. Video.
- Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F., Agamanolis, S., Edge, D. 2014. Designing Mediated Combat Play. International Conference on Tangible, Embedded and Embodied Interaction: TEI 2014. 8 pages. Video.
- Mueller, F. 2013. Technologies in Exertion Games. Book chapter in Fuss, F., Subic, A., Strangwood, M. and Mehta, R. Routledge Handbook of Sports Technology and Engineering, Routledge, p. 94-108.
- Huggard, A., De Mel, A., Garner, J., Toprak, C., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Understanding a Socially Awkward Digital Play Journey. Digra 2013. Full paper. 11 pages. Video. Presentation.
- Huggard, A., De Mel, A., Garner, J., Toprak, C., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Musical Embrace: Exploring Social Awkwardness in Digital Games. Ubicomp 2013. Note. 4 pages. Video. Presentation.
- Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Adding an Interactive Display to a Public Basketball Hoop can Motivate Players and Foster Community. Ubicomp 2013. Long paper. 10 pages. Video. Presentation.
- Garner, J., Wood, G., Pijnappel, S., Murer, M., Mueller, F. 2013. Combining Moving Bodies With Digital Elements: Design Space Between Players and Screens. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 10 pages. Video.
- Pell, S., Mueller, F. 2013. Designing for Depth: Underwater Play. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 6 pages. Video
- Mueller, F., Walmink, W. 2013. Duel Reality: A Sword-Fighting Game For Novel Gameplay Around Intentionally Hiding Body Data. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 5 pages. Video.
- Mueller, F., Gibbs, M.R., Vetere, F. 2013. Reflections on Designing Networked Exertion Games. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 8 pages.
- Khot, R., Mueller, F., Hjort, L. 2013. SweatAtoms: Materializing Physical Activity. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 7 pages. Video. Presentation.
- Cercos, R., Mueller, F. 2013. Watch your Steps: Designing a Semi-Public Display to Promote Physical Activity. Interactive Entertainment: IE 2013. 6 pages. Presentation.
- Pell, S., Mueller, F. 2013. Designing mixed gravity exertion games for humans in space. IAC 64th International Astronautical Congress, 24th Symposium on Space Activity and Society (E5) New architectural, Strategic and Design Approaches to the Future of Human Space Flight (1). 1 page.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Ho, H., Mueller, F. 2013. Cart-Load-O-Fun: Designing Digital Games for Trams. FDG 2013. 8 pages.
- Pijnappel, S. Mueller, F. 2013. 4 Design Themes for Skateboarding. CHI 2013. Note. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video. Recorded talk. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION.
- Khot, R., Mueller, F. 2013. Sweat-Atoms: Crafting Physical Objects with Everyday Exercise. CHI 2013. Student Research Competition. 6 pages. FINALIST.
- Chatham, A., Mueller, F., Bernhaupt, R., Khot, R., Pijnappel, S., Toprak, C., Deen, M., Schouten, B. 2013. Game Jam. CHI 2013. Workshop (organizing). 3 pages.
- Mueller, F., Chatham, A., Toprak, C., Khot, R., Pijnappel, S., Marshall, J. 2013. HCI with Sports. CHI 2013. Special Interest Group (organizing). 4 pages. 30 sec preview video.
- Huggard, A., De Mel, A., Garner, J., Toprak, C., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Musical Embrace: Facilitating Engaging Play Experiences through Social Awkwardness. CHI 2013. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Ho, H., Mueller, F. 2013. Bubble Popper: Body Contact in Digital Games. CHI 2013. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Khot, R., Mueller, F. 2013. Sweat-Atoms: Turning Physical Exercise into Physical Objects. CHI 2013. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Pell, S., Mueller, F. 2013. Gravity Well: Underwater Play. CHI 2013. Interactivity. 4 pages. 30 sec preview video. Video.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Ho, H., Mueller, F. 2013. Cart-Load-O-Fun: Designing Digital Games for Trams. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Pijnappel, S. Mueller, F. 2013. Copy Paste Skate. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Walmink, W., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Duel Reality. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Mueller, F. Graether, E., Toprak, C. 2013. Joggobot – Jogging with a Flying Robot. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Walmink, W., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. LumaHelm – an Interactive Helmet. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Huggard, A., De Mel, A., Garner, J., Toprak, C., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2013. Musical Embrace: Socially Awkward Interactions Through Physical Proximity to Drive Digital Play. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Altimira, D., Billinghurst, M., Mueller, F. 2013. Understanding Handicapping for Balancing Exertion Games. CHI 2013. Work-in-progress. 6 pages.
- Chatham, A., Walmink, W., Mueller, F. 2013. UnoJoy!: A Library for Rapid Video Game Prototyping using Arduino. CHI 2013. Videoshowcase. 1 page. Video.
- Sancho Huerga, R., Lade, J., Mueller, F. Three Themes for Designing Games that Aim to Promote a Positive Body Perception in Hospitalized Children. Persuasive 2013. Short paper. 6 pages.
- Isbister, K., Mueller, F., Bernhaupt, R. 2012. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Fun and Games. Fun and Games 2012. Conference Proceedings. 131 pages.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Mueller, F. 2012. Bubble Popper: Considering Body Contact in Games. Fun and Games 2012. Short paper. 4 pages.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Mueller, F. 2012. Bubble Popper: Considering Body Contact as Game Ingredient. Fun and Games 2012. Student Game Design Competition. 5 pages.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Mueller, F. 2012. Bubble Popper: The Body Contact Experience. Fun and Games 2012. Demonstration. 1 page.
- Toprak, C., Platt, J., Mueller, F. 2012. Designing Digital Games for Public Transport. Fun and Games 2012. Work in Progress. 3 pages.
- Huggard, A., De Mel, A., Garner, J., Toprak, C., Chatham, A., Mueller, F. 2012. Musical Embrace: Using Social Awkwardness as a Game Ingredient. Fun and Games 2012. Student Game Design Competition. 5 pages.
- Mueller, F., Vetere, F., Gibbs, M.R., Edge, D., Agamanolis, S., Sheridan, J.G., Heer, J. 2012. Balancing Exertion Experiences. CHI 2012. Long paper. 10 pages. BEST PAPER HONORABLE MENTION.
- Mueller, F., Toprak, C., Graether, E., Walmink, W., Bongers, B., van de Hoven, E. 2012. Hanging off a Bar. CHI 2012. Interactivity. 4 pages.
- Graether, E., Mueller, F. 2012. Joggobot: A Flying Robot as Jogging Companion. CHI 2012. Interactivity. 4 pages.
- Mueller, F., Wilde, D., Toprak, C., Graether, E., Berthouze, N. 2012. Future User Research for Exertion Games. CHI 2012. Workshop User Research in Games. 4 pages.
- Tomlinso, B., Ross, J., André, P., Baumer, E.P.S., Patterson, D. J., Corneli, J., Mahaux, M., Nobarany, S., Lazzari, M., Penzenstadler, B., Torrance, A. W., Callele, D. J., Olson, G. M., Silberman, S., Ständer, M., Palamedi, F.R., Salah, A. A., Morrill, E., Franch, X., Mueller, F., Kaye, J., Black, R.W., Cohn, M.L., Shih, P.C., Brewer, J., Goyal, N., Näkki, P., Huang, Jeff., Baghaei, N., Saper, C. 2012. Massively Distributed Authorship of Academic Papers. CHI 2012. alt.chi. 10 pages.