Everything is Data exhibition, Singapore


Recently leading Games Centre researchers Associate Professor Dr Stefan Greuter and Dr Adam Nash collaborated to produce works for the Everything is Data exhibition in Singapore.

The exhibition works, Out of Space, is a playable abstract audiovisual virtual environment using the Space Walk platform.

Immersed in an infinitely self producing virtual space made of nothing but colour and sound, the visitor plays, flying and falling, creating little melodies and rhythms of sound and colour.

Out of space, out of thin air, out of nothing, music and memories are made with virtual variations and vibrations.

Art now is for play, for playing with, for playing. Play in all its productive potential becomes the push and pull between artist and interactor (who is more than a viewer or listener) creating the work in real time, and in no time at all the interactor becomes the artist, and each interactor / artist creates a unique virtual work, unique to themselves and yet outside of themselves, in the world, virtually.

Everything is Data 14th August – 26th of September 2015 at NTU ADM Gallery 2

Project Team
Adam Nash – Project Lead, Environment Design, Sound Design
Stefan Greuter – Technical Design

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